The approach we take for our New York couples therapy sessions is compassionate, non-judgmental, kind and honest. We look at each relationship from all perspectives to develop a workable improvement plan that will last. Our group of licensed therapists will provide you with evidence-based treatment that is personally tailored to your needs.

All couples have their ups and downs and sometimes struggle under life’s everyday pressures. Unaddressed conflicts are not healthy and can leave you feeling exhausted, depressed and lonely, even when your significant other is in the picture.

Our New York couples therapy York can offer you the non-judgmental, unbiased insight you need to resolve conflicts and move your relationship forward in a way that supports you and your significant other.

Even when your relationship is good, but you seek to keep it great, our qualified therapist has got you covered. All of our practitioners are qualified and accredited by reputable professional associations for counseling and therapy.

How New York Couples Therapy Helps Your Relationship

Couples therapy, also known as marriage counseling, helps couples who are facing challenges in their relationship such as infidelity, and sexual issues. It can also be of great service if you are simply feeling disconnected or need some support in facing a new challenge together such as:

  • Changes in intimacy
  • Premarital Jitters
  • Financial Challenges
  • Extended Family Politics
  • Health Challenges
  • Loss of a Loved One or Grief
  • Religious and Cultural Differences
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Addiction

Is It Too Late Or Can Therapy Still Help?

When relationship crises deepen and are at the point of break up or divorce seems to be the only option. Talking through your challenges together with any of our trained and licensed relationship counselors can help you get to the heart of your conflicts, understand your partner’s beliefs, and feelings, and work out ways to resolve the issues and restore love.

However, if separation is in your best interest, therapy can also make the transition constructive instead of destructive, both for the couple and any children that may be involved.

Other Important Things to Know About Our
New York Couples Therapy Sessions

Benefits of Counseling Sessions at Couples Therapy in New York

  • Learn how to negotiate and compromise
  • Acquire listening and communication skills that actually work.
  • Connect with and support each other despite differences
  • See new perspectives in your relationship you would have overlooked
  • Cope with differences in lifestyle
  • Enhance intimacy
  • Overcome issues around extended family
  • Repair trust and insecurities
  • Bring increased satisfaction, joy and understanding to the relationship.
  • Regain individuality within the relationship.

Our Approach To Couples Therapy in New York

At Couples Therapy in New York, we combine elements from different schools of thought, The approach we choose is dependent on the needs of the couples. Depending upon the needs of the couple. We draw from training in Emotional Focused Couples Therapy, Imago Relationship Counselling and Gottman to help couples work through their issues on a deep lasting level. Some of the things that we will look into with you during treatment include:

  • Gaining practical tools to help you feel more connected to your partner
  • Learning to manage emotions
  • And addressing repetitive issues, that continue to cause stress within your relationship.

What You Can Expect at Couples Therapy New York.

Couples therapy with us starts with some preliminary questions to enable us to get an understanding of the relationship. This helps us to know you as an individual and as a couple, what issues or challenges brought you to therapy, and the goals you wish to achieve from the therapy.

The first stage in couples therapy is to examine the relationship and determine the source of conflict and friction. This can be challenging as it involves partners opening up about feelings and observations that may have been bottled up.

Couples should understand that this issue does not define their relationship, but rather the way you and your partner think about and strive to improve those problems is what matters.

Our therapist will give you accurate, specific, actionable advice on how to improve your relationship, build trust and empathy.

Therapy sessions will focus more on rebuilding the connection that once defined your relationship.

Only after facilitating your relationship foundation can your therapist begin to analyse and develop solutions for your specific case.

 Having figured out what the issues are in your relationship and restoring a sense of understanding and empathy between the couples, the relationship will be ready to put custom solutions into place. This solution can be in the form of improving communication, being more upfront about wants, and being more forgiving. Listening more

These steps involve a lot of work as the therapist begins to ask the couple to make changes, some take-homes can also be given. The couples should be committed to working hard to effect these changes which might not conform to their wishes.. However, the goal of couples therapy is to improve relationship satisfaction and couples need to work with their therapist to achieve that.

Once the relationship is restored back on track, couples are usually ready to stop therapy and apply skills acquired during therapy sessions.

The couples should maintain the new rules, new plans and methods of communication and interactions, all designed by their therapist to keep them and their partner healthy and satisfied in their relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions About Counseling in NYS

Is it too late or can therapy still help?

When relationship crises deepen and are at the point of break up or divorce seems to be the only option, talking through your challenges together with any of our trained and licensed relationship counselors can help you get to the heart of your conflicts, understand your partner’s beliefs, and feelings, and work out ways to resolve the issues and restore love.

However, if separation is in your best interest, therapy can also make the transition constructive instead of destructive, both for the couples and any children that may be involved.

We aren’t married, can we still seek couples therapy?

Yes. We counsel all couples in all kinds of relationships, whether married, unmarried, cohabiting, interracial or same-sex couples. And more so, for a whole host of reasons for which they need help. In fact, most couples don’t need to be married before they can seek couple counseling. We also offer individual counseling for those interested.

Can my relationship be saved without counseling?

Some couples can work out the challenges they are having on their own, especially at the early stage of their relationship. However, when the issues become complicated and reoccur over an extended period of time, then maladaptive patterns are likely to have become ingrained. Most couples at this stage need a professional marriage or couples therapist to regain the bond and love they once shared.

How important is couples therapy?

If your relationship has lost its shine and you are stuck in a negative pattern of interactions, couples therapy can be a life-changing, or relationship-changing experience. If you feel like you have lost all connection and hope, yet are willing to give your relationship a chance, then couples therapy is important.

Any one of our NY Couples Therapists that you work with will work to guide you and your partner back to the place of great communication, shared goals, and intimacy that you once shared.

What can my partner and I expect from attending couples therapy?

Couples who attend our therapy sessions should expect to work with an experienced therapist who is committed to a blameless approach. In counseling, you will learn new ways of understanding and interacting with one another, how to build trust again, how to better communicate with each other and be sensitive to each other and You will be taught how to try and regain a sense of humor and lightness originating from the friendship you shared early on in your relationship.

At the end of your session, it’s our hope and expectation that you will understand how to support each other’s goals and even establish new goals for your relationship.

I have been to counseling before and it didn’t work, should I try again?

First of all, it takes an act of great courage to reach out for help. Couples often feel guilty and shame for going to couples or marriage counseling, and some fear that the counselor will take their partner’s side. It’s also often the case that one partner is more motivated than the other, and that’s okay. 

If you have been in couples therapy before and it didn’t work, just know there is hope. You might need to try seeing a therapist trained in the models and approaches that are proven to work in your area of challenge. At Couples Therapy in New York, we model our treatment to suit individual needs using proven techniques.

How often do we have to go for couples counseling?

At Couples Therapy in New York, we don’t have rules about how often you will attend counseling however, we have discovered that once a week in the beginning is most effective for our couples. We believe it’s important to have continuity and momentum at the beginning of treatment. When our couples start feeling positive shifts in their relationship they can spread it out) lto twice a month to continue growing and maintaining new positive dynamics.

What if my partner stops coming, can I continue as an individual?

If for whatever reason couples counseling is terminated and one of you wants to continue individual counseling with us, we can see you individually, provided that both partners are aware of the arrangement.

Does Insurance cover couples counseling?

Most insurance plans do not cover couples counseling except if one of the couples is diagnosed as having mental health issues like depression, bipolar disorder, etc., that affect their relationship. However, it’s best that you contact your insurance company to learn about your mental health/behavioral health benefits.